Coagulative Behaviour of Banana Peel (Musa Spp) in Greywater Turbidity Reduction
Roland Songotu Kabange
Kumasi Technical University
Peter Dinko
Kumasi Technical University
Musah Saeed Zango
Accra School of Hygiene, Korle Bu
Michael Affordofe
Keywords: Covid-19; Mobile Money Service; Taxi drivers; Security; Convenience; Ghana
There has been a global rise in greywater generation and water scarcity over the past decade due to population growth and rapid urbanization. Greywater treatment and reuse are, therefore, inevitable to augment the dwindling water resources. Peels of Musa spp (banana peels) are scientifically recognized as natural and eco-friendly coagulant but are a public health threat and waste in urban centers today. Besides, Ghana currently has scanty meaningful data on the use of peels of Musa spp application to treat greywater. This research, therefore, investigates the potential of using peels of Musa spp for greywater treatment. The study prepared a natural coagulant by grinding Musa spp and dissolving it in distilled water, and the solution was filtered to extract the active ingredient. Further, a coagulation jar test was conducted on the collected greywater samples. Greywater turbidity was reduced by 88% to 11.7 NTU from an initial 98 NTU with the introduction of optimum coagulant dosage of 70 ml. Significant greywater turbidity reduction suggested the presence of high levels of suspended solids. The research recommends scaling-up the use of peels of Musa spp as a natural coagulant for greywater treatment.
Author Biographies
Musah Saeed Zango, Accra School of Hygiene, Korle Bu
Department of Environmental Health and Sanitation, Accra School of Hygiene, Korle Bu, P. O. Box GP 753, Accra Ghana.
Michael Affordofe
Department of Environmental Health and Sanitation, Accra School of Hygiene, Korle Bu, P. O. Box GP 753, Accra, Ghana