Aim & Scope

The International Journal of Innovation and Development (IJID) is a refereed multidisciplinary peer-reviewed scholarly journal. Original research manuscripts, systematic reviews, etc. are welcomed from various disciplines including but not limited to;

  • Agriculture & Life Sciences
  • Business, Management and Administration
  • Creative Arts and Technology
  • Computer Science and Information Technology
  • Finance, Economics and Statistics
  • Engineering
  • Health Sciences
  • Environment, Climate change and Sustainable Development
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Physical Sciences
  • Liberal and Socio-Cultural

Print and Online versions of International Journal of Innovation and Development (IJID) shall be published twice a year, in June and December. Meanwhile, online version of accepted articles shall be published with their DOI ahead of the scheduled periods. All articles submitted to International Journal of Innovation and Development (IJID) shall be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to the IJID.