The Past, Current and Future Trends of Institutional Theory in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Studies: A Bibliometric Review And Research Agenda.

Kofi Mintah Oware

Dept. of Banking and Finance

Eric Nkansah

Kumasi Technical University

Jennifer Ellah Adaletey

Ho Technical University-Ghana,

Keywords: Institutional proposition, CSR, Bibliometric literature review, Scopus Indexed Journals, VOSviewer, Keywords Analysis, Co-citation analysis


The aim of this study was to provide a wide overview of the field of study on institutional proposals in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) studies and also identify its intellectual structure. In this study, network analysis and bibliometrics have been used to examine 308 papers published from 1995 to 2022. The study only utilised data from Scopus Index Journal and did not include Web of Science, in order to reduce duplications. Our findings show that most research on institutional theory and CSR are from USA, UK and China and only India and China are from the emerging economy context. The most cooperative countries are still the USA and the United Kingdom, and this is due to high affluence of international student scholars. The second finding show that CSR and institutional theory are highly rated papers in A* and A publications. The third findings show that researchers are still into CSR and institutional theory, institutional void and CSR, and firms operating on sustainable development agenda. Our study is the first to examine institutional theory in CSR studies using bibliometric analysis.

Author Biographies

Kofi Mintah Oware, Dept. of Banking and Finance

Kumasi Technical University-Ghana

Eric Nkansah , Kumasi Technical University

Dept. of Banking and Finance, Kumasi Technical University-Ghana