Understanding Vulnerability to Trafficking in Persons (TIP) in Ghana

John Agyei

Kumasi Technical University

Paul Kukwaw

Complan Institute

Edmund Ayesu

Kumasi Technical University

Keywords: human trafficking, exploitation, vulnerability, migration, victims, poverty


Much of the efforts to combat human trafficking have targeted rescue of victims and prosecution of the perpetrators of this heinous crime. Though the Government of Ghana is making steady progress in fighting this crime, the need to assess the level of understanding of the populace on this phenomenon was deemed crucial. The objectives of the study included assessment of the level of awareness on trafficking, identification of vulnerability factors and population at risk of trafficking. The study employed qualitative research approach and gathered qualitative data through guides for key informant interview and focus group discussion, and semi-structured questionnaire. Respondents included households in selected communities and subject matter experts, representatives of institutions dealing with the phenomenon. The main findings were high level of awareness on trafficking and identification of poverty, violent conflicts, gender inequality and lack of knowledge as factors exacerbating vulnerability to Trafficking in Persons. It also emerged that the media constitutes the main source of information on the phenomenon. The paper recommends renewed efforts toward poverty reduction, empowerment of youth, women and girls, peaceful resolution of violent conflicts and awareness creation to combat human trafficking